Wednesday, January 11, 2012

So it starts

Well I have tried this before and it hasn't ever worked very well...I post a few days and then I end up quitting.  Wow, seems to be my mantra in life. But not anymore. I have had enough. I am determined to change things, and myself, from the inside out. I have already started actually.

One of the biggest challenges I have always faced in life, is my weight. I have been heavy since 6th grade, and well I am now 26, almost 27, and I am sick of it. So, I joined WW on 12.31.11, a stupid day to join yes, but you have to start sometime.  The first two days were a wash, as it was NYE and NY Day, so I technically started 1.2.12 and as of 1.7.12 I had lost 2.6 pounds. I was so happy and surprised by that.  I never thought that much would come off in 5 days, but it did.

Another part of my life that I have never been happy with is my love life. I constantly am falling for the wrong guys...taken, commitment phobs, jerks, name it I have fallen for it. Well no more. I can't keep going after anyone just to try and find someone. I need to find someone who deserves me.  I may not be perfect but I am a good person and that is what matters.

It's going to be a short one today, as it is my first, but I will do my best to keep updated every few days at least.